Discover the Healing Power of Labyrinth!
Some people clear their heads by running. Others practice yoga, hike to a mountaintop, or walk in silence. A labyrinth is another form of moving meditation, spiraling its participants toward its center and back out again. The non-branching path, while meandering, is singular. Where a maze confounds, a labyrinth clarifies.
The purpose of our labyirnth is to allow you to be with yourself, to think, relax, meditate, and to "recharge" yourself with positive energy. These trying times require thoughtful, creative ways to embrace and connect within and without — with ourselves and with our communities — to heal.
The stone labyrinth is made from stones in various sizes, shapes and colours. The length of the labyrinth is 307 meters to one side. It is assembled from 800 field stones and a similar number of ornaments arranged in descending order.
Take time for yourself and go the whole route - back and forth in the labyrinth. Once you reach the centre, spend at least 5-10 minutes there. For your convenience, you will find a bench there, for your rest or meditation.
People who have walked this labyrinth claim that their mood and well-being have improved. We invite you to come and try it yourself!
We would be very grateful if you put a coin in the donation box upon your leave.
*We must warn you that the use of the stone labyrinth by you or your children is your sole responsibility. We are not responsible for possible injuries in the labyrinth.
How to find us
Coordinates: 56.175575, 24.817127